2 months (June '19 - July '19)

Er. Manish Verma
Senior Research Officer - Technical (SRO-T)

Mahidhar Sharma & Raymond Jacob
Design Interns

My Role
I along with my classmate from bachelors conducted research around the educational and recreational products used by the student at National Institute for the Empowerment of the Persons with Visual Disabilities. The Centre plays a significant role in identifying new areas of vocational training and employment for the urban as well as rural blind persons.

We worked closely with students and teachers at the institution under the guidance of the Senior Research Office identified pain-points and later solved for minimising the learning curve of writing braille by redesigning the Braille Slate and Ergonomic Stylus as an outcome of the research.

During the project we conducted Primary and Secondary level research via qualitative interviews, observational research and came up with various prototypes to test our designs to get feedbacks. We came up with a working prototype as the final product which got appreciation and acknowledgment from the institution.

One of the many invaluable takeaways from the project was learning how to read and write braille.